Functions to interact with config files
- econf.read_file(file_name: str | bytes, delim: str | bytes, comment: str | bytes) EconfFile
Read a config file and write the key-value pairs into a keyfile object
- Parameters:
file_name – absolute path of file to be parsed
delim – delimiter of a key/value e.g. ‘=’
comment – string that defines the start of a comment e.g. ‘#’
- Returns:
Key-Value storage object
- econf.read_file_with_callback(file_name: str | bytes, delim: str | bytes, comment: str | bytes, callback: Callable[[any], bool], callback_data: any) EconfFile
Read a config file and write the key-value pairs into a keyfile object
A user defined function will be called in order e.g. to check the correct file permissions. If the function returns False the parsing will be aborted and an Exception will be raised
- Parameters:
file_name – absolute path of file to be parsed
delim – delimiter of a key/value e.g. ‘=’
comment – string that defines the start of a comment e.g. ‘#’
callback – User defined function which will be called and returns a boolean
callback_data – argument to be give to the callback function
- Returns:
Key-Value storage object
- econf.new_key_file(delim: str | bytes, comment: str | bytes) EconfFile
Create a new empty keyfile
- Parameters:
delim – delimiter of a key/value e.g. ‘=’
comment – string that defines the start of a comment e.g. ‘#’
- Returns:
created EconfFile object
- econf.new_ini_file() EconfFile
Create a new empty keyfile with delimiter ‘=’ and comment ‘#’
- Returns:
created EconfFile object
- econf.merge_files(usr_file: EconfFile, etc_file: EconfFile) EconfFile
Merge the content of 2 keyfile objects
- Parameters:
usr_file – first EconfFile object
etc_file – second EconfFile object
- Returns:
merged EconfFile object
- econf.read_dirs(usr_conf_dir: str | bytes, etc_conf_dir: str | bytes, project_name: str | bytes, config_suffix: str | bytes, delim: str | bytes, comment: str | bytes) EconfFile
Read configuration from the first found config file and merge with snippets from conf.d/ directory
e.g. searches /usr/etc/ and /etc/ for an example.conf file and merges it with the snippets in either /usr/etc/example.conf.d/ or /etc/example.conf.d
- Parameters:
usr_conf_dir – absolute path of the first directory to be searched
etc_conf_dir – absolute path of the second directory to be searched
project_name – basename of the configuration file
config_suffix – suffix of the configuration file
delim – delimiter of a key/value e.g. ‘=’
comment – string that defines the start of a comment e.g. ‘#’
- Returns:
merged EconfFile object
- econf.read_dirs_with_callback(usr_conf_dir: str | bytes, etc_conf_dir: str | bytes, project_name: str | bytes, config_suffix: str | bytes, delim: str | bytes, comment: str | bytes, callback: Callable[[any], bool], callback_data: any) EconfFile
Read configuration from the first found config file and merge with snippets from conf.d/ directory
For every file a user defined function will be called in order e.g. to check the correct file permissions. If the function returns False the parsing will be aborted and an Exception will be raised
e.g. searches /usr/etc/ and /etc/ for an example.conf file and merges it with the snippets in either /usr/etc/example.conf.d/ or /etc/example.conf.d
- Parameters:
usr_conf_dir – absolute path of the first directory to be searched
etc_conf_dir – absolute path of the second directory to be searched
project_name – basename of the configuration file
config_suffix – suffix of the configuration file
delim – delimiter of a key/value e.g. ‘=’
comment – string that defines the start of a comment e.g. ‘#’
callback – User defined function which will be called for each file and returns a boolean
callback_data – argument to be give to the callback function
- Returns:
merged EconfFile object
- econf.read_dirs_history(usr_conf_dir: str | bytes, etc_conf_dir: str | bytes, project_name: str | bytes, config_suffix: str | bytes, delim: str | bytes, comment: str | bytes) list[EconfFile]
Read configuration from the first found config file and snippets from conf.d/ directory
e.g. searches /usr/etc/ and /etc/ for an example.conf file and the snippets in either /usr/etc/example.conf.d/ or /etc/example.conf.d
- Parameters:
usr_conf_dir – absolute path of the first directory to be searched
etc_conf_dir – absolute path of the second directory to be searched
project_name – basename of the configuration file
config_suffix – suffix of the configuration file
delim – delimiter of a key/value e.g. ‘=’
comment – string that defines the start of a comment e.g. ‘#’
- Returns:
list of EconfFile objects
- econf.read_dirs_history_with_callback(usr_conf_dir: str | bytes, etc_conf_dir: str | bytes, project_name: str | bytes, config_suffix: str | bytes, delim: str | bytes, comment: str | bytes, callback: Callable[[any], bool], callback_data: any) EconfFile
Read configuration from the first found config file and snippets from conf.d/ directory
For every file a user defined function will be called in order e.g. to check the correct file permissions. If the function returns False the parsing will be aborted and an Exception will be raised
e.g. searches /usr/etc/ and /etc/ for an example.conf file and the snippets in either /usr/etc/example.conf.d/ or /etc/example.conf.d
- Parameters:
usr_conf_dir – absolute path of the first directory to be searched
etc_conf_dir – absolute path of the second directory to be searched
project_name – basename of the configuration file
config_suffix – suffix of the configuration file
delim – delimiter of a key/value e.g. ‘=’
comment – string that defines the start of a comment e.g. ‘#’
callback – User defined function which will be called for each file and returns a boolean
callback_data – argument to be give to the callback function
- Returns:
list of EconfFile objects
- econf.comment_tag(ef: EconfFile) str
Get the comment tag of the specified EconfFile
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
- Returns:
The comment tag of the EconfFile
- econf.set_comment_tag(ef: EconfFile, comment: str | bytes) None
Set the comment tag of the specified EconfFile
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
comment – The desired comment tag character
- Returns:
- econf.delimiter_tag(ef: EconfFile) str
Get the delimiter tag of the specified EconfFile
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
- Returns:
the delimiter tag of the EconfFile
- econf.set_delimiter_tag(ef: EconfFile, delimiter: str | bytes) None
Set the delimiter tag of the specified EconfFile
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
delimiter – The desired delimiter character
- Returns:
- econf.write_file(ef: EconfFile, save_to_dir: str, file_name: str) None
Write content of a keyfile to specified location
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
save_to_dir – directory into which the file has to be written
file_name – filename with suffix of the to be written file
- Returns:
- econf.get_path(ef: EconfFile) str
Get the path of the source of the given key file
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
- Returns:
path of the config file as string
Functions for getting values
- econf.get_groups(ef: EconfFile) list[str]
List all the groups of given keyfile
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
- Returns:
list of groups in the keyfile
- econf.get_keys(ef: EconfFile, group: str) list[str]
List all the keys of a given group or all keys in a keyfile
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – group of the keys to be returned or None for keys without a group
- Returns:
list of keys in the given group
- econf.get_int_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str) int
Return an integer value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_uint_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str) int
Return an unsigned integer value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_float_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str) float
Return a float value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_string_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str) str
Return a string value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_bool_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str) bool
Return a boolean value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
- Returns:
value of the key
Functions for getting values with defaults
- econf.get_int_value_def(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, default: int) int
Return an integer value for given group/key or return a default value if key is not found
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
default – value to be returned if no key is found
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_uint_value_def(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, default: int) int
Return an unsigned integer value for given group/key or return a default value if key is not found
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
default – value to be returned if no key is found
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_float_value_def(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, default: float) float
Return a float value for given group/key or return a default value if key is not found
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
default – value to be returned if no key is found
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_string_value_def(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, default: str) str
Return a string value for given group/key or return a default value if key is not found
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
default – value to be returned if no key is found
- Returns:
value of the key
- econf.get_bool_value_def(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, default: bool) bool
Return a boolean value for given group/key or return a default value if key is not found
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
default – value to be returned if no key is found
- Returns:
value of the key
Functions for setting values
- econf.set_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str | bytes, key: str | bytes, value: int | float | str | bool) None
Dynamically set a value in a keyfile and returns a status code
- Parameters:
ef – EconfFile object to set value in
group – group of the key to be changed
key – key to be changed
value – desired value
- Returns:
- econf.set_int_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, value: int) None
Setting an integer value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
value – value to be set for given key
- Returns:
- econf.set_uint_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, value: int) None
Setting an unsigned integer value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
value – value to be set for given key
- Returns:
- econf.set_float_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, value: float) None
Setting a float value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
value – value to be set for given key
- Returns:
- econf.set_string_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, value: str | bytes) None
Setting a string value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
value – value to be set for given key
- Returns:
- econf.set_bool_value(ef: EconfFile, group: str, key: str, value: bool) None
Setting a boolean value for given group/key
- Parameters:
ef – Key-Value storage object
group – desired group
key – key of the value that is requested
value – value to be set for given key
- Returns:
Functions for memory management
- econf.free_file(ef: EconfFile)
Free the memory of a given keyfile
This function is called automatically at the end of every objects lifetime and should not be used otherwise
- Parameters:
ef – EconfFile to be freed
- Returns:
Functions for handling error codes
- econf.err_string(error: int) str
Convert an error code into error message
- Parameters:
error – error code as integer
- Returns:
error string
- econf.err_location() Tuple[str, int]
Info about the line where an error happened
- Returns:
path to the last handled file and number of last handled line